A voice over Internet (VoIP) service that is provided by a third party for businesses with a small to medium number of phone extensions. All calls are transported over the Internet, and telephone functions such as voicemail, call routing and call forwarding are performed on the provider’s computers. Administration is handled by our engineers. This way you do not have to have the hardware equipment (physical PBX) installed in your premises. You do not need also to purchase for additional hardware in case you will need to add extra features on your existing telephone system, like announcements, voice mail functionality, call detail records software e.t.c. For all these and for all necessary upgrades we take care of.
Calls can be made and received using regular phones with adapters, IP phones or computers. Another important advantage is that the user can carry out with him his personal extension number in any place of Earth, if he has internet connection. This can be achieved using a softphone client either in the personal computer or in his cell phone. Cell phones supporting such clients are all Android based cell phones, iPhone and windows mobile phones.
Hosted PBX is a completely functional IP Telephony solution on the cloud! It uses VoIP to deliver to the customers a fully functional cloud Telephone system (PBX), offering all the features a traditional telephony system can offer like extension calling, voice mail, email on voicemail, ringing groups, recording, ACD queues, answering machine, day/night controls, music on hold, custom telephony applications tailored to the customer needs, click to dial API, WebRTC API and much more!
Choose the Hosted PBX solution to avoid the initial investment in purchasing hardware, to have the mobility without any restrictions or prerequisites, without any additional licenses and with scalability (upgrade or downgrade according to your needs any time).