Conference Bridge

Use this service to create conference calls without the need of an operator. Dial the conference call number, enter your conference call PIN and initiate the call.

The service is given in three plans:
<b>Prepaid Conference Bridge with up to 10 attendees.</b>
Login to your account and schedule your conference call. After that you will receive an email with your conference call number and PIN number. The charges are 5 Euro + VAT per hour rental fee plus 0.05 Euro + VAT per minute per attendee
<b>Monthly Conference Bridge plan with 17 Euro + VAT per month.</b>
You have your dedicated conference number with your PIN number. The package consists of the following plans:
<li>up to 5 attendees with monthly maximum conference talk time 8 hours</li>
<li>up to 10 attendees with monthly maximum conference talk time 4 hours</li>
<b>Conference Bridge on demand.</b>
Email us when you would like to use the service and we will send you the conference number and the pin code you will use to attend to the conference call on the desired date/time

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