Call Center Application

Use our inbound call queuing application for your call center needs.

Our application distributes the calls to the agents using various scenarios and rules. A score-based system is used to distribute inbound calls. A caller’s score increases by 1 for every second he waits.

You can add a base score to help move a caller to the front of a queue or just remove the wait time from that queue. The callcenter application also has a tiered system for creating different agent ‘priorities’ as needed.

Various strategies to handle the incoming call queues can be applied, like a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queuing system.

Time base score
When a caller goes into a queue, we can add to their base score the total number of seconds they have been in the system. This enables the caller to get in front of other callers by the amount of time they have already spent waiting elsewhere.

The time-base-score param in a queue can be set as ‘queue’ (base score counts only the time the caller is in this queue) or ‘system’ (base score accounts for the total time of the call).

The agents can have Status and States. The Status is the general state of the agent. Statuses are not updated by the system automatically, so they must be set or changed as needed. States are the specific state of an agent with regard to the calls in the queue. States are dynamic and are updated by the system based on the progress of a agent in a call.

If an agent changes his status to Logged Out, any active callback attempts will be halted and the queue will try to place that caller with another agent.

Custom made reports

We can built any kind of reports regarding the agents statistics and incoming call statistics.

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